This Month's Calendar



An Invitation to Worship This Week
September 8, 2024
10:30 a.m.

Jesus was known for healing people as he pointed people to God.  This Sunday’s gospel lesson provides two miraculous healing stories. Jesus first hears a request from a mother who wants her daughters to be healed. The woman was an outsider. She was a gentile, a Syrophoenician woman whom Jesus treated with disrespect.  She confronts Jesus who has treated her like a dog (in a bad way!)  Jesus realizes what he has done, relents and heals the daughter.

In the second healing, the disciples of Jesus bring him a deaf man with a speech impediment.  Jesus takes the man away from the crowd in private.  Jesus puts his fingers in the man’s ears and also spits on his hand and touches the man’s tongue.  The man can hear and can also speak clearly.

People can be hungry for the touch of another human being.  Our post-pandemic world has made us even more fearful of personal contact.  Who are the untouchables today?  Who are the outsiders who are disrespected and ignored like the Syrophoenician woman?  Have you ever felt like an invisible untouchable? Hugs, pats on the shoulder, and handshakes can make a difference. How does God call us to appropriately touch and to be in touch with God and with each other?  Are we willing to be touched by God?  Are their times when God calls us to reach out and touch someone?

We hope you’ll join us for Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Please enjoy this preview of Worship at First Presbyterian Church 1793.

All are welcome to share these weekly videos with others, near and far.

Sunday School for all ages begins this week, with Adult Study taking place at 9:30 a.m. and children’s Sunday School taking place following the Children’s Message.

FPC 1793 Book Club
Date and time to be announced
James: A Novel
By Percival Everett

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A Fully Inclusive Church
Welcomes Everyone

The First Presbyterian Church accepts all persons seeking to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and claim Him as Lord and Savior. We welcome you to join us for worship here on Sunday mornings. We are a fully inclusive church that welcomes everyone, so we invite you to be authentic.

All members of this church who believe themselves called by God and the congregation shall be considered for leadership in the church and if elected by the congregation shall be ordained into the church service.

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